Sunday, August 2, 2009

I was privileged to represent the Alaska District at Ketchikan First Assembly's 75th Anniversary. 75 years ago, on August 2, AG services began in Ketchikan. This has historically been a strong church and it is exciting to see the church thriving and doing well.

This is Les Cronk, Chairman of the Board. He opened the service and gave an explanation of the celebration. Les and Laura are long time friends of mine from Sitka. They are housing me this weekend, and I have really enjoyed their hospitality and faithfulness to the Lord.

Pastor Lee Corrao was pastor at Ketchikan First Assembly for about 12 years before moving to Petersburg. He was here for this occasion and read a congratulatory letter from our General Superintendent, Dr. George Wood. I also read a letter from our District Superintendent, Bill Welch. I couldn't really take a picture of myself.
Debbie Dale read a letter from her father, Bro. Jack Bransford, who also pastored at Ketchikan First. She also read a letter of congratulations from a local foursqare congregation and from the pastoral candidate who will be here next Sunday.

Pastor Gordon Welk, another former Pastor of Ketchikan First Assembly, gave the message.

Pastor David Wilson assisted in MC'ing the event. Pastor David and Debbie have served as interim pastors in Ketchikan. They have blessed this congregation immensely with their loving care and guidance during a challenging time. I am thankful for their willingness to serve in this capacity. They are loved.

For the worship time, they chose one song from each decade. For example, the 1940's song was "Onward Christian Soldiers" the 1970s song was "I Exalt Thee," and the 1990s song was "Shout to the Lord." For the backdrop of slide on which the words were displayed, they had pictures of Ketchikan during that decade.

I really enjoyed this celebration, and it was very well done. They had pens for everyone that commemorated the event. There was a great potluck following the service. It was a time to not only honor the past, but to anticipate the future.

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