Saturday, October 25, 2008

The Cry of a Generation

Last night I went to Youth Convention. It was an incredible time of worship and the Word. I love seeing this generation worship the Lord with abandon. Mark Zweifel, the speaker, issued a strong challenge. He talked about hell and the concept that "proximity equals responsibility." In other words, we are responsible for sharing the Gospel with those God puts around us. He used Jeremiah to remind us that we are watchmen and will have blood on our hands if we neglect this holy responsibility. At one point in the service, the lights went low and people around the sanctuary began to cry out, "Why didn't you tell me, Mark?" and other such cries. When the lights came back on, those who were crying out had t-shirts with blood colored handprints and stains on their shirts. Mark had what appeared to be blood dripping from his hands. It was powerful imagery and moving to everyone there.

This was also the night when we honored Jen for her years of service as DYD. Jen has been a great leader of the youth of our state and her impact on this generation will remain. It was also good to see many friends from around the state at Convention. When I see the youth of this state worshipping God and giving everything to Him, together with their Youth Pastors, Pastors, and other leaders, I am encouraged about the future of God's Kingdom in Alaska. God is up to something.

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