Saturday, August 23, 2008

Ice Cream in the District Office!

Have you ever noticed that when someone does something really nice it brightens your day? It especially helps if that something is bringing Cold Stone Ice Cream into the District Office. Pastor Gary called today to ask what kind of ice cream we liked, and then he brought it on over. Wow! I've enjoyed getting to know him and realized he is a great Pastor with a heart for God and a great love for people. And I'm not just saying that because he brought ice cream (although it can't hurt). It serves as an example that the little things we do can make a difference in the hearts and lives of people.

1 comment:

Manu- The Unborn said...

Hi Brad

Wonderful blog and wonderful cause of spreading God's message.I am born to a sikh family but have taken to buddhism and i believ all scriptures convey the same message .Had the opportunity of reading the Holy bible during my convent days , again same message of love & compassion
Keep up the good work
