“Faith: Believing in the God Who Works on Your Behalf"
Dr. Yonggi Cho and Dr. Wayde Goodall
Published in 2017, Broadstreet Publishing
Book Review by Brad Kesler
It is often said that Alaska has over 100 villages without a consistent Gospel witness. In order to reach these villages and other people who don’t know the Lord in Alaska, it will require great faith. I find myself asking, along with the disciples, “Lord, increase my faith!”
Dr. Yonggi Cho and Dr. Wayde Goodall have joined forces to co-author a very unique book titled “Faith: Believing in The God Who Works on Your Behalf.” Dr. Cho inspires the reader toward faith through his experiences of being healed from a terminal disease and growing a large church in challenging circumstances. Dr. Goodall draws from his vast ministry and educational background to provide rich insights.
The book is divided into three main categories: Depending on the Holy Spirit, The Faith Hall of Fame, and Walking by Faith. At the end of the book, the authors provide an appendix with “Faith Scriptures” for meditation.
In the first section, the authors provide principles of growing your faith. These principles are best summarized by this statement, “Our faith is activated and grows in our daily lives largely because of our determination to understand God’s Word, to pray, and to listen to the Holy Spirit” (p.57). If we spend time daily in the Word and in His Presence, our faith will be strengthened. Our words and thoughts can also have a positive or negative impact on our faith. If we are constantly speaking negatively about a situation, we are agreeing with the enemy instead of viewing the situation through the eyes of faith.
A vital component of faith is being led by the Spirit. The authors share their process for discerning the will of God in a situation. Steps include allowing the Lord to speak to you through the desire He has placed in your heart and to screen those desires through the Scriptures. God will then often confirm His Will in your life through circumstances.
The second section, “The Faith Hall of Fame,” examines the definition and ingredients of faith in our daily lives. “When you have faith in something, that means you believe that it is going to happen. There is a sense of assurance that even though you have not experienced it or have not yet possessed that for which you have faith, it is a reality” (p. 93). Having great faith involves believing God is faithful and able to carry out what He has promised.
Section 3 explores how faith is walked-out in our lives. The chapter on the relationship of faithfulness to faith is a treasure. The authors remind us that if we are faithful in the small things, God will give us larger opportunities. In the Parable of the Talents, we are taught that God will hold us accountable to invest those talents he has given us—not the talents of others. Being faithful in investing our talents will stretch us, and will require that we be disciplined in keeping our commitments.
The authors cover other important topics such as prayer, the empowerment of the Spirit, forgiving yourself in faith, and being confident in your faith.
God desires that we walk in mountain moving faith. The author states, “When you have prayed, studied the Scriptures to ensure that your goal is biblical, listened to the wise advice of godly people, and considered the cost (evaluated the time, effort, expenses, etc.), take the step of faith in your business, your ministry, the needs of your family, and your life goals” (p. 180).
You will be inspired by this book to grow your faith, increase your prayer life, pay close attention to the influences you allow in your life, and be careful with the words you speak. Your faith will be stirred to believe that God is faithful to His promises and to launch out to accomplish the vision He has placed in your heart.